Neuro Harmony, LLC
Licensed Clinical Counseling in Charleston, IL

Neuro Notes

The Child & Teen Annex is located at 735 18th St, charleston, IL 61920

Jul 6, 2023

Neuro Harmony, LLC is excited to introduce our new annex designed specifically for children and teens.

A carpeted room with board games A therapy tray of sand on a table in a room with toys A large teddy bear sitting on a chair in a room with toys A couple bright yellow chairs in a colorful room A carpeted room with board games A carpeted room with shelves full of books and toys A carpeted room with shelves full of books and toys A brick building with a handicap-accessible porch and a sign for child and teen counseling A carpeted room with shelves full of books and toys A brick building with a handicap-accessible porch and a large parking lot

"The Annex" features three therapy rooms:

  1. Child play therapy room
  2. Sand tray therapy room with a small play area
  3. Teen therapy room

In the child play therapy room, children have opportunities to explore real life experiences, develop self-control, express their needs symbolically (without any need for verbalization since play is their primary language), learn a wide range of feelings, and grow in insight and self-understanding, all in the context of a therapeutic relationship with a trained therapist. Toys are selected intentionally to provide a safe and therapeutic setting.

Using the sand tray in counseling is a creative technique where a person expresses their understanding of themselves, their world, and aspects of their reality through figurines or miniatures. The scenes created in a sand tray reflect the child or teen's past and present inner thoughts, feelings, and struggles. The sand tray therapy room provides a place for this expression within a safe environment with a trained therapist.

Our teen therapy room is designed for older children and teens to offer them a space that allows them to navigate the challenges of adolescence while fostering personal growth and self-discovery. The room is equipped with art supplies, therapeutic games and activities to build skills, and of course a trained therapist.

These new rooms serve a profound purpose! They are carefully designed to create a nurturing environment where children and teenagers can develop important skills, express themselves freely, and build resilience. The Neuro Harmony Annex is a place where healing, growth, and self-discovery are given the space they deserve. So, whether you're a parent looking for help for your child, or a teenager seeking support and understanding, we invite you to visit our new Annex at Neuro Harmony. Together, let's create a community where every child and teenager can thrive and reach their full potential!

Contact us to learn more about our new services in The Annex. We can't wait to embark on this incredible journey with you!

The Annex Staff

Amy Overmeyer
Director: Amy Overmyer
Jake Pearson
Jake Pearson

Daylight Savings time

Mar 11, 2023

Just a quick reminder to change you clocks 1 hour ahead before going to sleep tonight.

Never giving up

Mar 3, 2023

Can't stop.

Won't stop.

Real success does not happen in the blink of an eye. You can't just wish to accomplish something and expect that it will be given to you quickly.

Real success comes with pain, winning over trials, overcoming obstacles, and persevering despite various failures.

Today's most successful people have shown to us how determination and belief in ourselves can lead us to massive success. We should never develop an 'I give up' attitude.

What Happens When You Develop a Never Give Up Attitude?

There are rewards we can achieve when we decide not to give up amid our journey to success. Here are ten reasons why you should adopt a never-give-up attitude:

  1. You will eliminate your fears. Significant things such as job promotion, graduation, a new house, relationships, and overcoming pains are defining moments of your perseverance and efforts. All these are the results of yourself who chose to continue reaching for the goals instead of stopping and giving up. A never give up attitude can be used to abolish doubts and negative thinking to make you stronger in facing everything.

    Your success was the sweetest when you realized what you came through and what tough times have you defeated before you reach those goals. It's all about the attitude that aids in commencing a battle. It's about the way you continue that battle with the faith of winning in life.
  2. New opportunities for creativity will open for you. Some of us are raised in this world with the belief of conforming with the rules of society. Because of that, our mindset is also allowed with limited capabilities. Instead of thinking about how to be creative and abundantly, we then begin to live with limited skills and dreams.

    When we have a never give up attitude, we then start to see our real life's worth and dare ourselves to do unlimited things. We explore our talents and showcase our capabilities to create better things for ourselves and the whole society. We begin discovering the importance of creativity, and how being creative helps you find better opportunities and fresh, new perspectives in life.
  3. You dare to try things other people are afraid to do. When you choose never to give up, you will be taught how to put efforts on all fields of life, be it in sports, hobbies, physical health, or overall well-being. Because of that, you will be motivated to aim for more significant results of your actions towards your dreams. You will take risks of doing the things others are afraid of.

    That makes you have an edge from others. You will have that high spirit and an attitude of being hungry for opportunity. You choose to become strong instead of focusing on your weak attitudes.
  4. Your desire will be ignited. What makes us dream and start taking actions in our life? We desire to achieve something and become a person we always dream to be. As the famous author, Napoleon Hill stated, "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything."

    The common problem for some people nowadays is that they lack the motivation and drive to push themselves to the risky paths of success. We need to have our desire to be continuously ignited. We all have dreams and goals we want to realize and achieve. We should keep moving and keep ourselves motivated – from start to finish.
  5. Your emotional intelligence is improved. One primary key to make things work out successfully is your emotional intelligence. It is the ability to be aware of, express, and control your emotions.  There are times when we gave our 100% effort, but still, the goals we plan to achieve didn't go well as we expected.

    We fail, and we may fail again. It is fine that we lose sometimes. Think this matter as a normal part of any process. What's important is how you learn from such loss, and you will use the lessons learned from those failures. When you can effectively handle your emotions in times like that, you can control the damage and become more efficient in all kinds of situations.
  6. You will believe that anything you can perceive is possible. What is good in believing that anything is possible is that you will have the energy to power up yourself to take action. When you know that you will capable, you will overcome the things that may hinder your efforts. Often, the measure of success is on the between of your perception and getting out of your comfort zone. It's your will to take actions. Of course, the only answer to that is never to give up.
  7. You become prepared for everything. We must put in mind that in every endeavor we have, we need to prepare ourselves for failure. Fear of other people's expectation will make you afraid of taking risks. Be bold and fearless. The more you become ready for everything, the stronger you become and fight harder for your dreams. Because on the contrary, if you give up on the midst of your struggle, then you will not be successful.
  8. You develop effective work ethics. Your willingness to do anything for your goals will be your armor from failures. You become more motivated to persevere; thus, you give more value to the work you are doing. You will embrace the fact that there will always be a way to get things done. You learn how to prioritize the things that need to be accomplished first.
  9. Never Giving Up Leads You to Happiness. When we achieve success, we feel in our heart how happy we are because all our efforts have paid off. We celebrate with joy because we defeated all the difficult challenges. When we decide not to give up, we can enjoy our life more because there is happiness in success and contentment.
  10. You Learn Something New. We learn a lot when we keep going and decide not to give up. We can learn that there are hidden strength and potentials within us. We learn how to keep ourselves motivated. More importantly, we decide not to give up, and we learn how we can effectively convert our failures to success. We become an inspiration to others, and we become capable of doing greater things in the future.

Remember this: it may be challenging to start with your dreams and plans, and it may get harder as you work on your journey to achieve success. You may lose the drive and motivation in the journey, and you may think of giving up already. What you need to do is think the reason why you decided to get it started in the first place. Who will benefit from this? How significant is it for you, and why you should do this? The reason why you started and what is the significance of doing it will make you persevere and will not give up – you just have to believe!

Eating Disorders are more common than we want to admit

Feb 23, 2023

If you have an eating disorder, identifying the condition and seeking treatment sooner will improve your chances of recovering. Being aware of the warning signs and symptoms can help you decide whether you need to seek help.

Not everyone will have every sign or symptom at once, but certain behaviors may signal a problem, such as:

  • behaviors and attitudes that indicate that weight loss, dieting, and control over food are becoming primary concerns
  • preoccupation with weight, food, calories, fats, grams, and dieting
  • refusal to eat certain foods
  • discomfort with eating around others
  • food rituals (not allowing foods to touch, eating only particular food groups)
  • skipping meals or eating only small portions
  • frequent dieting or fad diets
  • extreme concern with body size, shape, and appearance
  • frequently checking in the mirror for perceived flaws in appearance
  • extreme mood swings

If these symptoms resonate with you and you think you may have an eating disorder, it’s important to reach out to a medical professional for help.

Making the decision to start eating disorder recovery might feel scary or overwhelming, but seeking help from medical professionals, eating disorder recovery support groups, and your community can make recovery easier.

Getting help is a good way to get ahead of this! Contact us today for a counseling session.

How to Cope with Mental Illness

Feb 14, 2023

Mental Illness isn’t as taboo to talk about since the pandemic started and that’s definitely a step forward in the right direction. However, mental illness is still a huge part of peoples life and it’s a very hard journey to navigate– especially when the topic is still something many people don’t understand.

I have been living with my specific mental illnesses for several years now and they have been filled with never ending learning lessons along with some good and very bad times. Like all things in life, the experience of living with mental illness in an already crazy world has allowed me to become more educated and knowledgeable about mental illness. I’m no expert and have a lot more to learn, I’m sure. But I wanted to share my personal opinion on what I‘d consider being some of the most important things to know about mental illness (especially if you are new to this journey).

If you are struggling and see no end in sight, you might consider seeing your Primary Care Physician so that you can be referred to a Psychiatrist.They can get you medication to help live with the disease of the mind. You also should consider getting counseling. Neuro Harmony is accepting new clients,currently! Call today to get a session with one of highly trained certified mental health therapists. Call Today!! 217.508.8080

Please  share  your tips and advice for living with mental illness. Is there some things you wish you knew when you were first diagnosed? Let us know. You never know who it’ll help and we’re all in this together!


Feeling alone?

Feb 12, 2023

Do you feel alone in your journey?

Are you often times in a room full of people, yet still feel completely and utterly alone?

Do you feel like the world would be better if you here?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you might benefit from talking to a counselor or calling/texting the NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LINE:


Crisis team members are live 24/7/365.

Gain control back over your life. This journey isn't a cake walk. Don't do it alone.

Check on your loved ones... and do so regularly! Those who seem the happiest might be the ones who benefit the most by a simple phone call or text asking them how they are doing!



OCD info

Feb 3, 2023

Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms can intensify and worsen over the years. Symptoms can range in severity and how often you experience them, and you might notice them increase during particularly stressful times in your life. For most people, even if symptoms begin early in life, as OCD compulsions and obsessions become more intense, the condition can become more difficult to manage. Urges or compulsions can look like any of the following:

  • A need to keep things very orderly
  • A need for things to be symmetrical
  • Intense fear of contamination or dirt
  • Horrifying images or thoughts of self-harm or harming others
  • Unwelcome thoughts of aggression
  • Unintentional and very unwanted thoughts of sexual aggression or subjects

Symptoms that could worsen OCD

What makes OCD worse? There are several things that can trigger an OCD episode and conditions — known as comorbidities — that may contribute to how severe your OCD is as well. 

In fact, comorbidities are the main source of what causes OCD to get worse. It’s estimated that about 90% of people who have OCD also have other mental health conditions. These additional related conditions can add to how severe OCD might be. Some of them include: 

As comorbidities and conditions become more severe, it’s very common for untreated OCD to also worsen. This can be especially true if someone acts on compulsive behavior in hopes of relieving some of their anxiety. 

Because everyone’s symptoms are different and OCD is very individualized, it’s difficult to say exactly when, how, or even if OCD symptoms will become more prevalent. Adding to the challenge is the fact that OCD has many unofficial subtypes (ways OCD shows in your life). Contamination OCD, just-right OCD, harm OCD, counting OCD, and more are some of the various ways that OCD can be seen. 

However, one thing that is clear is that comorbidities, stress, anxiety, and major life changes or circumstances can all play a significant role in how much worse OCD might become.

As symptoms increase or intensify, people with OCD may also experience the following: 

  • Failure at work and/or school
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Depression
  • Isolation
  • Increased panic attacks
  • Physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

Bipolar 1 Vs. Bipolar 2

Jan 26, 2023

All types of bipolar disorder are characterized by mood episodes. The highs are known as manic episodes. The lows are known as depressive episodes. Not all bipolar disorder types have episodes of depression.

The main difference between bipolar I and bipolar II disorders lies in the severity of the manic episodes caused by each type.

A person with bipolar I will experience an episode of mania, while a person with bipolar II will experience a hypo-manic episode (a period less severe than a full manic episode).

A person with bipolar I may or may not experience a depressive episode, while someone with bipolar II will experience a major depressive episode.

What is bipolar I disorder?

You must have had at least one manic episode lasting 7 or more days to receive a bipolar I disorder diagnosis. A person with bipolar I disorder may or may not have a major depressive episode. The symptoms of a manic episode may require hospital care.

Manic episodes are usually characterized by the following:

  • high energy
  • restlessness
  • trouble concentrating
  • feelings of euphoria (extreme happiness)
  • behaviors that can lead to harmful consequences
  • poor sleep

What is bipolar II disorder?

Bipolar II disorder involves a major depressive episode lasting at least 2 weeks and at least one hypo-manic episode. People with bipolar 2 typically don’t experience manic episodes intense enough to require hospitalization.

Bipolar II is sometimes misdiagnosed as depression, as depressive symptoms may be the major symptom when the person seeks medical attention. When there are no manic episodes to suggest bipolar disorder, the depressive symptoms become the focus.

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

As mentioned above, bipolar I disorder involves episodes of mania and may involve depression, while bipolar II disorder includes hypo-mania and depression. Let’s learn more about what these symptoms mean.


A manic episode is more than just a feeling of elation, high energy, or distraction. During a manic episode, the mania can interfere with daily activities.

People having an episode of mania may make some irrational decisions, such as spending large amounts of money that they can’t afford to spend. They may also engage in behaviors that may have harmful consequences.

An episode is not considered manic if caused by outside influences such as alcohol, drugs, or another health condition.


A hypo-manic episode is a period of mania less severe than a manic episode. However, in a hypo-manic episode, behavior still differs from your usual state. The differences will be extreme enough that people around you may notice.

Officially, a hypo-manic episode isn’t considered hypo-mania if it’s influenced by drugs or alcohol.


Depressive symptoms in someone with bipolar disorder are like those of someone with major depressive disorder. They may include extended periods of sadness and hopelessness. You may also experience a loss of interest in people you once enjoyed spending time with and activities you used to like. Other symptoms include:

  • tiredness
  • irritability
  • trouble concentrating
  • changes in sleeping habits
  • changes in eating habits
  • thoughts of suicide

Situational Depression

Jan 16, 2023

You’ve heard people complain that they’re depressed after a breakup, a layoff, or an overall terrible week. But are these people really experiencing depression?

Sometimes, depression can be triggered by an event in life we have zero control over.

The loss of a loved one (Family, Friend, Pet, Neighbor... etc.)

The loss of employment.

A tragedy in which you lose large sums of money, your home, your car, or whatever the case may be.

When a stressful situation is particularly hard to cope with, we react with symptoms of sadness, fear, or even hopelessness — a type of reaction that’s often referred to as situational depression. Unlike major depression, when you are overwhelmed by depression symptoms for a long time, situational depression usually goes away once you have adapted to your new situation.

Actually, situational depression is usually considered an adjustment disorder rather than true depression. But that doesn’t mean it should be ignored: If situational depression goes untreated, it could develop into major depression.

"Situational could lead to major depression or simply be a period of grief,” explains Kathleen Franco, MD, professor of medicine and associate dean of admissions and student affairs at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine in Ohio. "If emotional and behavioral symptoms reduce normal functioning in social or occupational arenas, it should be treated."

"Situational depression means that the symptoms are set off by some set of circumstances or event. It could lead to major depression or simply be a period of grief,” Franco explains. However, she adds that situational depression may need treatment "if emotional and behavioral symptoms reduce normal functioning in social or occupational arenas."

Who Gets Situational Depression and Why?

Situational depression is common and can happen to anyone — about 10 percent of adults and up to 30 percent of adolescents experience this condition at some point. Men and women are affected equally.

What Are the Symptoms of Situational Depression?

The most common symptoms of situational depression are depressed mood, tearfulness, and feelings of hopelessness. Children and teens are more likely to show behavioral symptoms such as fighting or skipping school. Some other symptoms include:

  • Feeling nervous
  • Having body symptoms such as headache, stomachache, or heart palpitations
  • Missing work, school, or social activities
  • Changes in sleeping or eating habits
  • Feeling tired
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs

If any of the above sounds like you, Call the office today for an appointment with one of our highly skilled mental health professionals, 217-508-8080.


Just a Quick Reminder

Jan 11, 2023 is still open for enrollment for 2023 until January 15th. Many plans cover counseling and mental health. Visit today to see if you qualify for tax credits that could give you free or significantly reduced premiums for quality coverage!

Relationship Burnout?

Jan 7, 2023

If you have been in a long term relationship (LTR), you have probably experienced this at one point or another.

Google defines this as:

Relationship burnout refers to someone detaching or disconnecting from a partner for a variety of reasons. Over time, someone may subconsciously or deliberately distancing themselves due to feelings of negativity and apathy regarding the relationship.

So, I will paint a picture for you...

You’re worried about your relationship.

You’re picking at each other. The gaps between fights is getting shorter; but it’s taking longer to patch things up.

You seem to have lost your connection, your spark. It doesn’t feel like fun. You know your relationship needs work but you can’t find the motivation to try.

You head away for a weekend together. It’s nice. But then you get home, the rush of life takes over, and you’re back where you were. Niggling, annoying each other, going head to head over the same old things.

This is the point at which many couples first consider counseling. But then they abandon the idea: research shows couples wait an average of six years before taking a proactive step.

The trouble is, things don’t get better in the interim. Bad habits get ingrained, resentment builds and before you know it, you’re in the burnout zone.

But Burnout is for Work — Not Couples.

Officially, yes. Burnout — exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress — is most commonly applied to work situations. But the warning signs are just as easily applied to a relationship.

Most experts agree burnout shows up in three key ways. When applied to a relationship, these are the key indicators:

1. Physical and emotional exhaustion.

Your relationship drains you. You know it needs attention, but you can’t find the energy or the motivation to keep trying. Even the thought of “date night” makes you feel exhausted.

2. Detachment and cynicism.

You feel disengaged from your partner and increasingly negative (or even cynical) about their behaviour, the things they say, their personal quirks — and even your suitability as a couple. You don’t want to admit it but you’ve started to wonder if there’s another (better) “option” out there.

3. Falloff in investment and feeling ineffective.

You go through the motions. You stop making an effort. You’d rather hang with your phone/device than your partner. The physical intimacy drops away, so does the emotional connection. You’re at a loss to know what to do. Occasionally you feel like packing up and walking away.

But that’s me! What should I do?

If the warning lights are flashing, don’t panic. But don’t bury your head in the sand either.

Burnout doesn’t mean it’s over — it just means that your relationship is calling out for some TLC — and, possibly, you are too.

Call our office today! We offer couples counseling! 217-508-8080




Happy 2023... let's make some POSITIVE changes...

Jan 2, 2023

Hello,and Welcome to 2023, and Neuro Harmony's Blog.

Today is a good day to assess our maladaptive, destructive and self-medicating ways.

Everyone has something. A not so good way of coping with life's stress. It could be addiction. I could be spending money you don't have on things. It could be self sabotage in relationships... whatever it might be.

So how do we fix these things, and not allow bad patterns to continue?

We must first admit we have a problem. Secondly, we have to identify why we do what we do. Third, we get a game plan together to address the problem(s). Finally, we execute the plan.


Addiction can take on many forms, Alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexual addiction, hording, over-spending. Just the tip of the iceberg.

Positive ways to overcome addiction:

Get a hobby.

Get into therapy/counseling.


Spend more time with friends/family.

Go for a long drive.

Listen to your favorite music.

Learn a new skill.


No matter how you do it, do something! You will slip up, as none of us is perfect... the key is getting back on track... never quit! Remember, a bad day doesn't equal a bad life.




mental health resolutions

Dec 24, 2022

We are entering that time of the year where we all start off wanting better for ourselves, and we make resolutions to do better in the coming days, weeks and months. According to google, 96% of all New years resolutions fail.

Let's try to do things a little differently this year... instead of setting unobtainable HUGE goals, start small and morph the goals to fit your personal growth.


Some ideas:

Join a group! Get out and do more to help others, and you will find your mental health likely will make strides as well.

Volunteer! Give back, pay it forward...

Improve sleeping habits. Set yourself up better to get quality sleep.

Spend more time with loved ones. Time flies, don't wait until it's too late. None of us know how much time we actually have.

Clean out. Get rid of clutter and simplify your life a little.

Get away. Even a few days away from home will do you a world of good. A full blown vacation is AWESOME, but in today's economy, it might be hard to do. Take a few days in a place a few hours away from home.

Unplug. Set aside a little time each week to get away from the computers, phones, TVs... Get out and take in nature. Read a book.

Say NO! Saying “no” is an important skill to learn. By limiting the commitments you say “yes” to, you can better utilize your time for things you enjoy.

Ask for help. Asking for help when you need it can greatly reduce the amount of stress you have when dealing with big tasks.

Practice Gratitude. It can be easy to hold on to things that you feel aren’t going right in life. However, focusing on and having gratitude for the good things in your life can change your overall perspective from negative to positive.

Treat yourself. Treating yourself to a special item or experience can act as a positive reinforcement for hard work and help motivate you to keep pushing toward your next goal.

Stay hydrated!!! This means drinking water, kids!

Christmas Luncheon 2022

Dec 20, 2022

We had our annual Christmas party this past Friday at the Brickhouse Bar and Grill. Here are a few pics from the event!


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Motivation on a Monday

Dec 19, 2022


PTSD is not just an issue for military personnel

Dec 14, 2022

Research shows that individuals who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder, better known as PTSD, have experienced severe trauma at some point in their lives. The trauma could come in the form of sexual assault, a natural disaster, a car accident or anything that would prompt someone to have a harrowing reaction.

However, many believe that PTSD is a mental health condition that affects only those who have come back home from war, but this is not the case.

PTSD is a mental health condition that affects millions of people. When a person experiences a traumatic situation, this can develop... and if left untreated, it can make a person's quality of life extremely rough. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help... Take that first step towards a better life today! Call us for an appointment and let us help you work through the trauma. You don't have to battle alone! Call us today! 217-508-8080 and get setup with one of our licensed clinicians!




Holidays are tough, and suicide rates go up.

Dec 13, 2022

During the holiday season, Suicide rates seem to rise. Given the amount of stress that often times comes with family get togethers or lack there of, it can push people who might already be teetering on the edge over the cliff. Just wanted to remind everyone that YOUR LIFE MATTERS. Your feelings are valid and the world needs you here. Help is available! Here is some info for you:


National Suicide Hotline: 988

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of over 200+ crisis centers that provides 24/7 service via a toll-free hotline with the number 9-8-8. It is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.


Therapy can also be a huge help! Call us today and get setup with one of our highly trained clinicians! 217.508.8080

Blaze Your Own Trail

Dec 12, 2022

marco-mons-ilcYo42yIT8-unsplash.jpgDon’t follow others.

This journey is yours, and yours alone.

You were born to blaze your own trail.

Be authentic.

Find yourself within the mess we live and pursue your goals and dreams.

No one will do it for you, and many will not understand.

Life is not black and white. Live it… and don’t be afraid to color outside the lines.

Rethink your priorities.

You get one shot at this thing, stand out and blaze the trail you choose.

Start today. Make it count!

Do you have "bag in the wind" syndrome?

Dec 4, 2022



Are you floating through life with no clear purpose? Do you feel like the grocery store bag that gets caught up in the wind and blows all over the place with no sense of direction? I call this Bag in the wind syndrome, because it's how I feel when I have too much down time

Do you find that no matter what you do, you are unhappy?

Can you remember a time when you were happy? What changed?

Deep questions to ponder, I know... yet important ones. If you answered Yes to any of these questions, we can help you figure things out! Call our office today for an  appointment! 217.508.8080, and one of our highly skilled therapists would be more than happy to see you!




Much love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

As always,

Journey on, my friends....


becoming One's Authentic self

Nov 30, 2022

3 in the morning, and I'm wide awake... So I sat down at the computer to attempt to catch up on emails, social media and to take a quick check of the forecast. Since I have been Chronically ill over the past 7 years, I have had a very screwed up sleeping pattern.

When it's so quiet and I can't sleep, my mind fills with thoughts. Could have, Would have, Should have all show up. Depression and anxiety are usually on their way right behind this car full of unwanted mind guests.

So, yeah, let me be very clear...most people in this world, including therapists and healthcare workers struggle too... JUST LIKE YOU!

We are all human, and life is full of hard times. If there is any one thing I can share with you, it would be this: In my almost 45 years on Earth, I am still learning and evolving.

So, let's talk about that.



Featured snippet from the Google:

Authentic self means:

Being your true authentic self means what you say in life aligns with what your actions. Your authentic self goes beyond what you do for a living, what possessions you own, or who you are to someone (mom, brother, girlfriend). It is who you are at your deepest core.

Do you know who you are? I mean, truly? Are you honest with yourself or do you lie to yourself to make you believe you are something you really aren't? Are you trying to conform to society and who "they" say you are?

Here are 7 steps to take to being who you truly are:

  1. Take a personal inventory of your thoughts and emotions.
  2. Be present in the moment.
  3. Build a small, yet strong support team who will keep you in check if you are/aren't doing as you should.
  4. Speak YOUR truth with authority.
  5. Take daily steps to authenticity by planning and setting goals.
  6. Take a step back for perspective. Be open to change and willing to admit you haven't been honest with yourself.
  7. Recognize internal versus external influences, Internal being dreams and goals, External being money, status, recognition, or expectations from other people
    If you are ready to start this journey of being, and need help, call us today to set up an appointment with one of our highly skilled Counselors. [Please enable JavaScript.].


Much Love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team.

Journey on, my friends!

Feeling off? Depressed? Anxious? Try journaling!

Nov 28, 2022



Take notes of how you are feeling, when you are feeling it and the environment you were in when you first noticed it. Keeping good records is a great way to identify triggers that set off your symptoms. Keeping a journal is good. Not only can it help you see patterns, but it can also help you to address them better and overcoming the future.  

One of the best parts of journaling is that it’s something you can do at home, when it’s convenient for you, without needing a lot of time, resources, or skill. There’s more to keeping a journal than just getting your thoughts down on paper, though. 

Research shows that daily journaling can help improve your mental health and get your life back on track, whether you’re struggling with relationships, future goals, how to stay organized, or even in the ways you communicate with a partner, your children, your coworkers, your friends, your parents, or anyone in your life.

What Does Journaling Do for Your Mental Health? 

Expressing yourself creatively, like when you write in a journal, is great for relieving stress and focusing on the things in life that aren’t serving you. You can use a journal to develop or practice healthy habits, set and work toward goals, or manage your mental health and improve anxiety, stress, or depression. Even just a few minutes a day can make a world of difference to your mental well-being.

There are many reasons why people commit to journaling. The process of writing is inherently therapeutic. It can help you organize your thoughts, express yourself, and process and deal with your emotions — both good and bad — in a positive, healthy way. 

Other benefits of journaling can include:

  • Reducing stress
  • Identifying and tracking goals
  • Achieving those goals
  • Tracking problems so you can recognize triggers
  • Finding inspiration
  • Improving self-confidence 
  • Overcoming fears
  • Identifying and addressing negative thoughts and behaviors
  • Starting a habit of using self-talk and creating mantras
    Much Love!

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, My Friends.

Holiday Blues? Maybe it's more than that...

Nov 26, 2022

The holiday season can trigger depression for a number a reasons. You may not be able to make it home for the holidays, or you may be in a rough financial situation. If you’re going through a difficult time, it can be tough to see others with extra joy in their lives.

The most common symptom of the holiday blues is amplified depression. This is true of people who may or may not being dealing with depression already.

You may be experiencing a bout of seasonal depression if you feel like simple activities are more difficult than normal. This includes getting out of bed, making dinner, and taking a walk.

Other symptoms of the blues include:

  • feeling more tired than usual
  • losing interest in things that used to bring you joy
  • having trouble concentrating

Here are nine ways to deal with the holiday blues:

  1. Limit alcohol – Limit your alcohol intake and try not to keep it readily available around your house. If you’re attending a party and you know alcohol will be accessible, limit yourself to one or two drinks. Drinking to excess can affect your mood and amplify any negative feelings that you may have.
  2. Get plenty of sleep – Try to go to bed at a specific time each night. Being well-rested can improve your mood and help you feel ready to take on the day.
  3. Learn to say “no” – Over-scheduling and not making time for yourself can lead to emotional breakdowns. Learn how to say “no,” and stay firm on your decision.
  4. Be open to new traditions – You may have an image of what you think the holiday should consist of, and this may not be what’s actually happening. Instead of holding on to what the holiday should have been, allow new traditions to unfold.
  5. Get support when mourning a loved one – If you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be especially tough. Although it can be tempting to isolate yourself and grieve, it can be beneficial to spend time with your friends and family. They can support you through this difficult time.
  6. Spend time with your loved ones – Instead of spending the holidays alone at home, get your friends or family together for a dinner party at your place. The more the merrier! You can spruce things up with lively decorations and add welcoming floral arrangements to your living spaces.
  7. Exercise regularly – Plug in your headphones and pop out for a walk around the block a couple of times a day. A quick 10-minute walk will get your heart rate up and release mood-boosting endorphins.
  8. Do something fun to get over a recent breakup – It can be difficult to be alone when you’re nursing an aching heart. Instead of sitting at home, fill up your calendar with activities.
  9. Avoid overeating – Before heading out to social events, fill up on veggies. You can even fill up a small sandwich bag and snack in the car. Holiday outings can often lead to overeating, which can affect your mood and overall well-being.


The holidays can be an especially difficult time for older adults. If you’re unable to be with friends or family this holiday, look for volunteer opportunities that allow you to be around others. Some non-profits will even come pick you up if you’re unable to drive.

If you’re still feeling depressed after the holidays are over, you may be dealing with more than just a case of the holiday blues. You should speak with your doctor or therapist about your symptoms. They can help you determine the cause and develop a treatment plan.

If you would like to schedule an appointment to be seen by one of our skilled therapists, give us a call today! [Please enable JavaScript.]

Much love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, my friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 24, 2022

Today, is a day to take a step back and realize how much GOOD is in your life. Many things we take for granted each day. We are blessed living where we do. I wanted to tell everyone we, at Neuro Harmony, wish you the best Turkey day ever! Enjoy your family, friends, pets, food, parades and FOOTBALL!




paying it forward

Nov 16, 2022


A lot of us have found ourselves in situations in life where we find ourselves needing a hand up. Sometimes when this happens we have no way of repaying those who stepped in and picked us up. So what, then, should we do?

The answer is in helping out the next person. PAY IT FORWARD!

By paying it forward, you can make quite an important difference in this world. Not only will you brighten another person’s mood, but you will also set a chain reaction in motion. If you pay it forward to three people, who again pay it forward to three others themselves, the entire planet could be transformed. Affecting change doesn’t take much. You don’t have to be rich, powerful or influential.

The cool thing here to remember is that you don't even need to know the person you are helping out/doing good for!

Doing a good deed to an unsuspecting stranger is a beautifully selfless act. Not only will it remind them that this world is full of selflessness, generosity, and kindness. It will also encourage the benefactor to be kinder and more compassionate to others.


You don't need much to do this... just remember these few items:

  • Look out for the opportunities. Life will provide you with numerous opportunities to pay it forward. You only have to be attentive.
  • Be willing to help complete strangers. There may not always be an opportunity to do your family or friends a good deed. But you can always help those who are in need, even if they are complete strangers.
  • Give freely without expecting anything in return. Many people will ask you how they can reimburse you for your kindness. You can introduce these people to the idea of paying it forward. Tell them that you don’t expect anything in return, but that you would greatly appreciate it if they could pay the good deed forward.
  • Even small acts count. It doesn’t matter so much how much you give. All that matters is that you are willing to give and to spread the word.

The more you do it, the better you might feel yourself, too.

You might not change the entire world, but for one person, you could change theirs. 

Much Love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, my friends...

I really need to speak to someone... BUT, I'm a man...

Nov 11, 2022

Over generations, we have built Men up to be "manly" and not show or express feelings. We still to this day (even in 2022) tell guys, "Just get over it" or something like "suck it up". It is often looked upon as a sign of weakness...


We need to end the stigma that it is not okay to seek help. We need to end the stigma that we shouldn't talk about our feelings.

Men deal with things differently than women, but ultimately still have to process things through the mind. When we process negatives, this can make us hurt more than we realize, causing mental trauma. When left unchecked, this can lead to hurt and anger. Men often lash out and take on maladaptive behaviors (high-risk behaviors including substance abuse, gambling and other forms of addiction) to cope with said traumas, rather than seek someone to talk to. Over time, this can even lead to suicidal thoughts. 

Instead of getting bitter, let's get better. It's hard work trying to switch those letters, though.

It takes A LOT of courage to ask for help... but in doing so, you aren't admitting weakness. You are actually saying you are strong enough to admit you can't do it alone, and you need a hand back up to fight another day.

So, when is it time to ask for help?

Some warning signs:

(This is not a complete list, but these are some of the major ones)

Warning Signs

  • Anger, irritability, or aggressiveness.
  • Noticeable changes in mood, energy level, or appetite.
  • Major change in sexual function/desire.
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Difficulty concentrating, feeling restless, or on edge.
  • Increased worry or feeling stressed.
  • Misuse of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Sadness or hopelessness.
  • Suicidal thoughts.


A lot of men fall prey to the false idea that they should be “tough enough” to fix all their problems on their own. They worry that by showing vulnerability, even in the case of physical illness, they may lose their authority with others.

As a result, they may believe they can fix this problem quickly and move on to the next — and they may be in denial that there is a problem at all.

Addressing this, and helping men work past it, requires first ending the stigma of asking for help.

We must foster more transparency around mental health issues, No one is immune to stress. Talking with others about how it is affecting you can foster empathy, camaraderie, and support — all of which fight against the feelings of isolation on which addiction and mental health issues can thrive.

Let's do better... so that we can all get better!

Much Love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, my friends....

Speaking from my heart today....

Nov 9, 2022

Pets are family. They are not just an object that you own.

Something I am preparing for is the loss of my long time furry best friend, Wiggles. He has been diagnosed with Cushing's disease. I am still learning about it, but, I'm being told that I will have, at best, 2 more years with my baby boy. This news was a tough pill to swallow. Wiggles came into my life little over 10 years ago. I was CFO for a small trucking company, and one of drivers came back from California with this dog. He was very matted up and not looking really great. The driver was going to have him as an outside dog on the farm. My issue was that winters here in Illinois are brutal at times and a little 12 lb. Malti-poo wouldn't do so well. Several weeks went by and Wiggles tried to get in my car every time I attempted to leave. This dog and I had a connection from the moment we met. I talked with the new owner and he gave him up to me. He was already named Wiggles when I got him, and I saw no reason to change it, because that tail is ALWAYS going! Little boy has been by my side for the past 10 years, and I am trying to mentally prepare for the day I have to say goodbye.We estimate him being about 11-12 years old, so my time is limited regardless, but it doesn't make this any easier.

I guess the most important lesson life teaches is simply this:

Love one another. Love deep. Love strong. Love hard.

Thank you for allowing me to share a part of my world with you.

Much Love, and as always, Journey on, my friends!



A borrowed bit of info.... Please read!

Nov 2, 2022

Ten Rules for being Human

By Cherie Carter-Scott

  1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's yours to keep for the entire period.
  2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called, "life."
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately "work."
  4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
  5. Learning lessons does not end. There's no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you're alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned.
  6. "There" is no better a place than "here." When your "there" has become a "here," you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."
  7. Other people are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.
  8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
  9. Your answers lie within you. The answers to life's questions lie within you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
  10. You will forget all this.

Welcome, November!

Nov 1, 2022


While it is important that we show others love and support all year, we typically show a little extra in the final 2 months of the year.

Let's kick off November with a BANG!

Show a little extra kindness today!

Hold the door open for someone.

Take the shopping cart back to the store.

Pick up trash off the ground and place it in a proper disposal area.

Help someone who is struggling (whatever that looks like, as it takes on many different forms).

Pay it forward. Has someone done something extra for you as an act of kindness, and you can't pay them back? Simply pay it forward... step up and do something good for someone else in need.

If you SEE something, DO something. Don't be the bystander that allows an injustice to occur if you could have prevented it.


This is also....

Hunger Awareness Month

Even in the wealthiest communities, there are people who need help with access to healthy food. You have an opportunity to publicly give products, raise funds, or promote the work of your local food pantry. Even an hour of your time can make an impact!


November is National Gratitude Month

Celebrating the month can be done in several ways.

  • Start a gratitude journal. Write about someone or something you’re thankful for every day. You’ll find your appreciation for those around you grows deeper and fonder the longer you keep it. When you read back on what you’ve written, you’ll be able to reflect on the relationships and their accomplishments.
  • Share your gratitude with others. Letting someone know you’re grateful for their care, service, or friendship often lifts their spirits or lifts a burden.
  • Show your appreciation by giving back to your community, neighborhood, or favorite organization.

Use #NationalGratitudeMonth to post on social media.

Much Love.

Chuck and The Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on my friends....

Halloween 2022

Oct 31, 2022

So, we did a thing this year for Trick Or Treat... We passed out candy! We didn't make it very long into the evening due to the weather, but in the time we were out, we saw near 80 Kiddos! Not bad for our first go...

We will be better prepared next year!

Thanks for coming out!

~Julie & Chuck~


It's Chilly, but let's Roll!


Suicide. Touchy subject...

Oct 26, 2022



So, if you know me at all, you know I do my best to avoid uncomfortable situations, but today, I feel compelled to talk about a final chapter for some... Suicide.

Taking one's own life. There are very strong feelings about this on both sides, and to be very honest I see valid points on both ends of the spectrum here.

This year alone, I have had 3 friends pass from a drug overdose, all listed as suicide as the cause of death. It's not easy for those who get "left behind" to deal with the loss of loved one, especially when you wonder if there is something more you could have said or done to prevent it.

Truth be told, I have personally had 4 attempts on my own life. I am not proud to say that, but it is truth.

I personally don't think those who do succeed wanted to die. I think they just wanted the pain and torment in their minds, bodies and souls to end.



All I know for sure is that everyone is fighting a battle of some sort that most know nothing about. Be kind. Check on your family and friends, often... especially the "happy ones". Robin Williams (Actor/Comedian) took his own life, and if you look back on his life, he always seemed so happy, and he did so many great things for others. You just don't know what kind of demons people are fighting against on the daily. 

If you need help, or need someone to talk to, call or text the suicide hotline!  988

At Neuro Harmony, We are also here and want to help you to work through your negative thoughts.


YOU have value. YOUR feelings are valid! Fight...keep fighting. You are needed here!


Much Love!

Journey on, my friends...

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Feeling better? GREAT!!! But...

Oct 21, 2022

So, you have been seeing a counselor and taking new medications... You are feeling like a million bucks right now. I couldn't be happier for you, but, please allow me to let you in on a little secret...

There are 3 reasons you are feeling great!

  • Hard work/Determination
  • Talking out your issues with a Counselor
  • Medication


If you completely stop seeing your counselor, you need to find someone you trust to continue to talk with about your hurts, habits and hangups. If you think you are feeling well enough to stop taking your medications, reach out to you prescribing doctor and talk about this before you stop taking the medications all together. Work with them in a healthy way to taper yourself down.

I'm on NO WAY saying you haven't worked hard to get to where you are, so, please don't take it that way. I am just saying that you had a little assistance along the way... and I can only speak from my personal past experiences here, but I have seen it time and time again. We get to this point and we stop everything that helped us up to now. A month down the road (longer for some, shorter for most) we find ourselves back to where we started, possibly even worse than before.

Remind yourself why you got help to begin with. Remember your WHY?


Weigh your options and do what you believe is best for yourself. I hate seeing anyone relapse for any reason, especially if it is avoidable.

Thank you for coming to my "Ted Talk"... Which will forever be known now as a "Chuckles Chat"

Much Love!

Journey on, My friends.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Staff


When you lose a loved one....

Oct 19, 2022

This has been a tough year here at Neuro Harmony for many of our clinicians. Several have lost loved ones.

I can relate, as I too, have lost many people in my life over my almost 45 years here on this Earth. I think we all have our own ways of dealing with (or avoiding doing so) the death of a loved one.

Speaking from my own experiences, I can tell you that NOT dealing with your feelings or seeking help for what you are going through doesn't work out well. You carry it well... briefly. Than it gets heavier and heavier until you just have to deal with it. I lost my mother to cancer when I was just 10. Just 15 months later, I came home from school one day in the spring to find my dad dead in the living room. Death is hard to process at any age, but when you are that young, it forces you to grow up a lot faster in some areas than you should. I've lived the majority of my life in a deep and serious depressed state, even though I hide it well. I am a great actor and show the world what I feel they need to see. Another, much more famous person that did well at making the world happy while struggling with inner demons... Robin Williams. Think about how happy he always seemed. He took his own life. I guess, what I am getting at is that life is hard already...don't make it harder than it needs to be when there are people who truly care and want to help. It doesn't have to be a mental health professional, it can be a best friend, another member of your family... whatever it may look like for you, I URGE you, PLEASE GET THE HELP!!!

When it comes to the death of a parent, there is no such thing as “getting over it.” No matter what type of relationship you had with them, or what kind of parent they were. It profoundly and permanently alters us — mentally, physically, and emotionally — for the rest of our lives. Just know, there will be "bad" or "rough" days for the remainder of your life. It often can come out of nowhere, last a day or two and not come out again for years.

There are generally speaking, 4 stages of grief:

Denial: This can’t be happening.

Anger: Why did this happen? Who is to blame?

Depression: I can’t bear this; I’m too sad to do anything.

Acceptance: I acknowledge that this has happened, and I cannot change it.


I just want everyone to know that you don't have to face your grief alone. Family, friends, professional mental health clinicians... there is always someone there for you. Reach out, get help... also, understand that your feelings are VALID. It is okay to feel anything and everything... and some days you will be numb and feel nothing at all. It is okay not to be okay.

If you just can't deal and you have no one to talk to that you trust, you still have options:

If it's an emergency, Call 911 immediately.

If you or a loved one needs someone to talk to, we are here! Call the office and make an appointment today! 217.508.8080. Holly will gladly pair you up with one of our skilled professionals.

Call or text the National Suicide hotline if you need someone at any time of the day. Call/Text: 988.

I will leave you with this: You are seen, you are loved and you are NOT alone.

Much Love.


Much Love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Staff

Journey on, My Friends.


Thinking... the battle within.

Oct 17, 2022

How often do you find yourself trapped inside your own head?

It can be a very dangerous place to find yourself at times. I am someone who struggles with this almost on a daily basis. I am finding ways to try to channel that energy and those thoughts in a different manner. Keeping a blog/Journal. Music. Long Car rides with the music blaring. Taking a walk with my dog... the possibilities are endless, really.

Some times, it gets to be too much. When that happens, and we feel we can't handle things by ourselves, or that there is nothing left to fight for, remember, YOU are priceless. There is only ONE of you. You are loved. You are cared for. You are needed. YOU HAVE VALUE!!!!!!!

Reach out. Get the help you need. It's there. I promise.


I can only speak of my own experiences, for me,  I can tell you that the mind will lie to you. It will make you believe no one cares. That you are all alone.

It's not true!

I am a great actor in the "greatest performance" that we call life. I have mastered showing people just what I want them to see over the years. I am slowly backing off of that. I am becoming more vulnerable and opening up more. I am finding more people truly care than I ever realized by this.

So, I guess what I am getting at today, is that you don't need to suffer in silence! Open up and let others help! It takes a lot of courage to admit you are not okay.

And, it's DEFINITELY okay not to be okay. What is not okay is feeling like you have to do it all on your own.

Reach out! We are here to help!




What is the role of vitamin D in depression?

Oct 16, 2022

Hello, all!

Welcome to another edition of the Neuro Notes. 

Today, I am stepping a little bit outside my normal realm and talking about Vitamin D and just how important it is to a person's mental well-being. 



To begin, what is Vitamin D?  

According to Mayo Clinic, Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones. That's because your body can only absorb calcium, the primary component of bone, when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions in your body. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and Neuro protective properties support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity. 


How does the body use it? 

  • Vitamin D is crucial not only for bone health but for proper brain development and functioning.  
  • Low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression, seasonal affective disorder, and schizophrenia in adults. 

There are 2 general types of OTC (Over the Counter) supplemental Vitamin D. These are D2 and D3. These can be obtained at about any retail store or pharmacy. 

According to Psychiatric times:  

“Produced in the body when the body is exposed to sunlight, vitamin D has been hailed as the “sunshine” vitamin with many therapeutic attributes. Lack of sunlight has been linked with mood disorders-especially seasonal affective disorder. Therefore, there is a good rationale for investigating the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of depression”. 



While we are still learning much about the human mind and body, it is becoming quite clear that Vitamins, such as Vitamin D play a huge role overall in our mental and physical well-being.  

NOTE: This blog post is for informational purposes only and is NOT intended to treat or diagnose a health issue.


For deeper and reliable health information visit: 

  • National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements


  • National Osteoporosis Foundation



Much Love.

Journey on, my friends.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Staff.

Seven Steps to Freedom From Stress

Oct 12, 2022


We all deal with stress everyday on one level or another.

Some things are easier to overcome than others,and some stress is actually good. Overall, though Stress is hard on the mind, body and soul.


So let's look at the Acronym: F.R.E.E.D.O.M.

This will give you something to think on while in a stressful situation!

F: Focus! -- Pay attention to body signals. Clear your mind, and focus on ONE thought that brings you peace.

R: Recognize Triggers! (I touched on this last week, and said it would pop up again). -- Teach your brain to know the difference between a true emergency and a minor inconvenience.

E: Emotional Self-Check! -- Identify reactive emotions (Anger, Fear, Sadness) and balance them with main emotions (Calmness and confidence).

E: Evaluate Thoughts! -- Learning to overcome reactive thoughts/emotions and replacing them with main ones that represent what you believe in.

D: Define Goals! -- (Possibly the greatest thing a human can do for themselves in this life) -- Restore Hope by tapping into your goals that your true values, rather than just a quick fix.

O: Options! There are always options. Look hard and find the best one for you in the current situation that will allow you to not compromise your true self.

M: Making a contribution! -- Recognize how YOU make the world a better place when you are in control of your thought processes!!!



Freedom from Stress isn't always going to be possible, but when you actively pursue it, you will find you have more control in things than you once believed you ever could have had. 


That's it for now. I hope that this was useful to you on some level!

Much Love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Staff

Journey on, My friends.


**Special thanks to Advanced Trauma Solutions for information used in the proceeding blog.**



Oct 8, 2022

In this life, one must adapt to changes that are often times outside of your control. What is in your control is HOW you react to said changes.This will be huge in the way things ultimately play out following a significant change. ALWAYS look at all sides and possible outcomes before making a rash decision that you might regret at a later time. Journey On, My Friends... Chuck

We have joined Twitter!

Oct 6, 2022

We are sometimes, FASHIONABLY late to the party... We have FINALLY joined Twitter! Give us a follow! @Neuroharmony 22


We are also on Facebook, Instagram and Spacehey (a newer site that is just like myspace was back in the day).


Sometimes, you just run into cool people

Oct 5, 2022

After my car accident last week, I have been doing a lot of walking places, as I am not allowed to drive currently. Today, as I was walking through the HUGE metropolis of Casey, IL. I met a really cool chick with a tragic story, but one that desperately needs to be told. Jeannette Krupp is the founder of Stay Strong Krupp. Please take a moment to go hear about her journey, and her brother's tragic death. Mental health and substance abuse are things we need to TALK more about and end the stigma. There is no shame in getting help.In fact, it takes a LOT of COURAGE to admit there is a need for help at all.

Jeannette Krupp


Please go visit...

Triggers. We all have them...

Oct 5, 2022


Hello, friends!

Today, I am going to briefly talk about something that has become a KEY word in society, yet has always been there. It just hasn't always been widely discussed. In politics and religion especially, the term "being triggered" is thrown around more than a football on a Sunday during the NFL season.

So let's talk about how we become triggered and how we respond when it happens...

When we are triggered, we get backed into a mentally tight space. We hit the fight or flight response.

What causes the trigger? It can be a variety of things.

A small inconvenience. (Just a lot of little things not going right, a bad driver on the interstate/highway you come upon... you get the idea)

A large or tragic event. (Death of a loved one, loss of a job, sick/injured child or spouse, Divorce and so many more...)

People with views not inline with your own. (Self explanatory).

Triggers differ from person to person, but they all come from something or someone who strikes a nerve. The pattern is ALWAYS the same. An event happens,and the mind reacts.

The good news is, we have a choice in how we respond.

We don't have to react. We can bite our tongues and be the bigger person.

We also, can do the exact opposite and fight back with anger.

The third reaction, is to have an open dialogue/conversation about the topic. (My personal fave)

I'm not saying any of these reactions are wrong, I am just saying pick your battles.

I Just wanted to make you think a little on a hump day!

Much Love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, my friends.


What do you bring to the table?

Oct 1, 2022

Hello all! I hope this finds you well...

This past week has been rather trying for me personally. I was involved in a car accident on Wednesday. I spent the better part of the day in the ER at Union Hospital in Terre Haute, IN. For those who don't know, I have been fighting a major health battle for the past 6 years. At times, it causes me to lose consciousness.This time, I experienced this while driving. I blacked out, and the next thing I remember is that I had been hit by another car, spun around and facing the wrong way on a side street. The lady who hit me, fled the scene (She had a child in her back seat, so, I hope everyone was okay) and there was never an official police report made, as the THPD never came, even after 911 was called by witnesses. My car has minor damage, and I wasn't hurt to the point where I needed to be kept for observation or worse. I have a case of whiplash, and this has just added to my daily struggles. My doctors have recommended I stop driving for the immediate future. Not ideal, but, I understand it. (That said, I will be doing only telehealth or phone call therapy for the next few weeks.I will be reaching out to all my clients individually in the next day or so.)


So where am I going with this?

Short answer... No matter how bad things may be for you... you still have value to others. Even if you can't (or won't) see it. YOU MATTER. You have purpose. Someone's life is better because you exist. Never discount your worth if someone else doesn't see it. I owe a lot to a guy named Dakota from that day. He went ABOVE and Beyond to make sure I was okay.

So what do you bring to the table?

Much more than you realize!

Believe that!

Head up! Fight on!


Much Love!

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony team

Journey on, my friends.




addiction isn't all the same...

Sep 29, 2022

I have talked on this a little in the past, and it will be an ongoing theme throughout this blog....



Most of today's society has an addiction to something. This isn't always obvious, and a lot of the time, they are things that society deems as "OKAY" in most situations. Generally speaking, these are fair assessments... however too much of a good thing can also be bad. A few examples of these things might be Food addiction, sex addiction, exercise addiction, body modification addiction... I can keep going but you get the idea. It's not always Nicotine, Alcohol and other illegal substances. It is not always gambling. There are other cases in which we get addicted to self-sabotage... but that is another blog in and of itself for another time.

So, let's break down types of addiction. Generally speaking, there are 4 types.

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Mental
  4. Spiritual

So, then, how do I know if I am actually addicted?

Signs can be, but are not limited to:

  • Lack of control to not indulge.
  • Inability to stay away from behaviors, despite KNOWING the "high" is temporary and can lead to further issues and feelings of guilt.
  • Decreased joy in being involved in social situations that you once loved.
  • No concern for anyone or anything around that might be in the way of the Maladaptive behaviors. (What are Maladaptive thoughts and behaviors?

Maladaptive behaviors are actions that prevent people from adapting, adjusting, or participating in different aspects of life. Such actions are intended to help relieve or avoid stress, but they are often disruptive and may contribute to increased distress, discomfort, and anxiety over time.)

Quick Note: I use the terms Maladaptive behavior and addiction interchangeably. --Ultimately, they are meant to be the same.

At any rate, I truly believe we all have something we struggle with to this end. Can you identify yours? How does it affect you? Just some food for thought today....

Much Love.
Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on my friends.

in honor of national suicide awareness...

Sep 23, 2022

I would like to share with you, what the Semicolon represents...



STAY; Tomorrow needs you!

A semicolon is used when a sentence could have ended... but DIDN'T!!!  Your Story is NOT over yet. Fight on. You are loved. You are needed. You have value.


My personal wrist tattoo.

This is my personal reminder.

In my 44 years here on the Earth, I have made several attempts to end it all. I've been pulled from the brink several times, and I fight on. Just know you are not alone, and help is always available, 24/7!!! Text or call 988.

Much love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, My Friends...



Living with someone who struggles with a mental illness?

Sep 21, 2022


So, You are living with someone who faces challenges that you don't understand, and you struggle to help...

I get it.

I truly do.

I'm on the opposite side of that coin in my personal life.

I struggle with several mental illness diagnosis. I will never hide that from anyone, and I always willing to discuss my journey and what I've learned along the way. I'm an open book... feel free to ask.

My wife, however, is as "normal" as they come. No past trauma. No depression. No anxiety. She struggles to understand how I feel or what I'm thinking. We see the world through much different lenses. She is learning though, that she can't "fix" me and that I can't just "get past things" or just "snap out of it".

Some keys to success for helping your loved ones who struggle...

1. Listen with intent to do just that, Listen. More times than not, we just want someone to talk to so we can personally try to make sense of the hurricane of irrational thoughts in our heads.

2. Be present. Show up. Love us for who we are, not who you wish we were.

3. Understand you can't "fix" us, but you make a huge difference by just not giving up on us and give us a positive in life when we try to fill our days with Maladaptive behaviors such as substance abuse.

4. The final thing, is remembering we aren't always clear on what we need, because we often don't know ourselves.


That's it for now. This is a deep subject, and is one that is very dear to my heart. More to follow as we move forward.

Much Love,

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team

Journey on, my Friends.



Social Media and mental well being

Sep 11, 2022


If you are somehow not aware, the year is 2022.


A lot of us (myself included) live a significant portion of our lives online for the world to see. Since its launch in October 2003, Facebook (then known as FaceMash) has taken over, and ultimately been the golden standard for online communities.

Its platform reaches almost all levels of society today, FB currently has over 2.93 BILLION active users. Yes, Billion with a B. That is mind blowing!!! While this is not necessarily a bad thing for most people, there are some who are suffering more because of social media.



So, how to overcome it?

The answer seems black and white, right?!?!?

Just walk away?

In the digital age, that is not so simple. So, then, setting personal social media boundaries for ourselves might be logical.

You might have the same look on your face right now that a friend of mine did last week when I had suggested this exact same thing to him... followed by a "Um, Chuck? How do I do that?"

As with anything, realize these truths:

Too much of a good thing is never good.


Anything can be addictive or unhealthy. For some people, social media use reaches a level where it has many of the characteristics of addiction to the point that users are mentally preoccupied with it—they forego other life experiences to use it. You might find yourself in a comparison trap. By trying to be bigger and better "keeping up with the Jones's".

Here are a few suggestions for you to maybe gain a little of your mindfulness back:

  1. Screen Free Sunday. Self-explanatory. Stay off your phone, tablet, or laptops (except for emergencies).
  2. When you are with a friend, loved one, or colleague, turn the screen off or turn it where you cannot see/hear it. Be present where you are. (I STRUGGLE here hardcore.)
  3. Don't answer email from your phone. Wait until you are at a desk or office setting.
  4. Set App limits ----

These instructions are for the iPhone specifically, but I am sure Android is similar. These features allow you to limit the time you spend on specified apps (social media, email, etc.) and you are notified when your limit is up.

Go to: Settings > Screen Time > “Down Time” and “App Limits”

I've My social media apps set to 2.5 hours. This little trick saves me from the mindless scrolling.

My down time is scheduled from 10 PM to 7 AM. You can still technically use your phone, but you get a reminder notification that it is down time to help keep yourself accountable

  1. Do a purge!!! Unfollow accounts that do not provide anything positive, encouraging, or inspirational. Social media is a place for community, not a place to make you feel bad about yourself or business.

And if you cannot unfollow (Maybe, it’s someone you know personally, and it would be uncomfortable), then you can also just mute the account, so you are simply not seeing his/her/their posts.

That is all I have for today. Just trying to help you find ways to make life "better" for yourself along the way.

Much love.

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony team

As always, Journey on my friends.

Loving the body you're in...

Sep 8, 2022



It is a novel concept. 

One that is difficult for a lot of us, who have self-perceived body image issues.

This is a deeper issue than most people realize!!!!

A few possibilities: 

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: This is a disorder of “imagined ugliness.” What individuals with this disorder see in the mirror is a grossly distorted view of what they actually look like. Often, these individuals will spend hours examining, attempting to conceal, or obsessing over their perceived flaws. Some people spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to improve their bodies. (Does Michael Jackson ring a bell, anyone? Not trying to offend here, I promise. He was just the first celebrity to pop in my head.) 

Anorexia Nervosa: This disorder is characterized by an extreme fear of gaining weight and these individuals perceive their bodies as larger or “fat” even though they are grossly underweight. 

Bulimia Nervosa: Individuals with this disorder are also very dissatisfied with their bodies and have extreme concern with body weight and shape. 

Depression: In many instances, individuals with depression often have a distorted view of themselves and believe they are less attractive than they really are. 

So, how do we overcome?!?!  


It is important to combat negative body image because it can lead to depression, shyness, social anxiety, and self-consciousness in intimate relationships. Negative body image may also lead to an eating disorder. It is time that we stop judging our bodies harshly and learn to appreciate our inner being, soul, and spirit. A few ways to improve: 

  • Affirm that your body is perfect just the way it is. 
  • Think of your body as a tool. Create an inventory of all the things you can do with it. 
  • Walk with your head high with pride and confidence in yourself as a person, not a size. 
  • Create a list of people you admire who have contributed to your life, your community, or the world. Was their appearance important to their success and accomplishments? 
  • Do not let your size keep you from doing things you enjoy. 
  • Replace the time you spend criticizing your appearance with more positive, satisfying pursuits. 
  • Let your inner beauty and individuality shine. 
  • Think back to a time in your life when you liked and enjoyed your body. Get in touch with those feelings now. 
  • Be your body’s ally and advocate, not its enemy. 
  • Beauty is not just skin-deep. It reflects your whole self. Love and enjoy the person inside. 

Ask yourself this question... Do you want what you say about yourself to be true? If the answer is no, Stop saying it to yourself. You are not what your negative thoughts make you believe that you are.  

Much Love, 

Chuck and the Neuro Harmony Team.

Journey on, My friends. 




Aug 29, 2022

Trauma has a way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it. We rarely see it coming and never know what the after effect will be. There are several life events that can cause post-traumatic stress disorder such as death, war, and abuse of any kind. Life can take unexpected twists and turns, and it is impossible to expect that we will be the same person we were before the traumatic event. Questions may go through our minds like:

  • How do I feel safe after trauma?
  • Will I ever feel better?
  • Why did this happen?
  • Are there ways to effectively cope?


When something like this happens, it can be difficult to understand and process what’s happened. Coping after a traumatic event can be difficult and confusing. In addition, finding healthy coping strategies can be even more challenging. At Neuro Harmony, we are here to help you through the coping process, as well as assist you in finding coping strategies for trauma.

What Does Processing Trauma Feel Like?

Processing trauma feels like you are fighting an uphill battle. You must dig deep within yourself to discover the source of your trauma and find a healthy coping mechanism in order to move past the traumatic event. Oftentimes the initial reaction to processing trauma can include symptoms such as exhaustion, anxiety, sadness, numbness and many others. Experts say that everyone has different experiences when processing trauma, and that it is normal for survivors to feel numb, depressed or agitated. Those processing their trauma are more sensitive and delicate as they are more prone to seek alternatives such as drugs or self-harm as their coping strategies for their trauma.

What Happens When You Process Trauma?

Trauma can be extremely detrimental to one’s mental health. When processing trauma you must ensure you are using healthy coping mechanisms and are finding the best way to cope with your traumatic event. When you process your trauma, you must deal with all the potential triggers from your trauma as well as deal with the traumatic event itself. This process can leave you struggling with upsetting emotions, memories, and anxiety that are difficult to get rid of.

How Do You Learn to Cope After a Traumatic Event?


It is impossible to come up with concrete steps, that everyone who experiences trauma can adhere to, but there are some time-tested skills and thought-provoking statements we can consider, such as:

  • Accept that you are going to be different as a result of this traumatic event.
  • Identify things that are good about the change resulting from the trauma.
  • Identify the undesirable things regarding the change from the traumatic event. From this list, consider how you can work with these changes, work around them, or even reframe them as a growth opportunity.
  • Realize that any emotion you experience is normal.  If things start to feel out of the norm, seek professional help.
  • Move forward realizing that it is normal to have waves of emotion continue to pound at and around you. These waves of emotion will generally lessen in intensity and frequency as time goes on. However, from time to time, some intense waves may come at you seemingly out of nowhere. This is normal.

While this isn’t an all-encompassing list, it is a great place to start when trying to decipher and understand how a traumatic event is affecting you. Once you’ve acknowledged these statements and began to think about them, it’s time to start working on healthy coping strategies.


How to deal with triggers from trauma?


When an individual experiences a traumatic event, they are more susceptible to being triggered by a situation or environment. When being triggered in this way, survivors may feel helpless, betrayal and fear. These are all normal feelings when being triggered by a traumatic event. One of the best ways to deal and cope with traumatic events is through therapy. At Neuro Harmony, there are highly trained therapists ready to support you and assist you in your recovery from a traumatic event. 

Healthy Coping Strategies for Trauma:

There are many, many coping strategies you can utilize and it’s important to investigate this in order to find which are best for you. This list is designed to be a starting point, not the only strategies to consider. Here are the top five coping strategies we have seen success in:

  1. Develop a toolbox of deep breathing, relaxation skills, and meditation skills. A favorite of ours is circular breathing. This is where you take a slow breath in and as you are doing this count to five in your mind. At the top of your breath, hold it for 5 seconds as you count to five in your mind. Then slowly let your breath out, again counting to five as you do this. Lastly, at the bottom of your breath, before you breathe in again, hold it for the same 5 seconds. This is where you start all over again. Try this for a couple of cycles.
  2. Re-engage in a hobby or activity you have not done in a while.
  3. Find a new activity, sport, or hobby that you can participate in.
  4. Make a list of people you trust that you can call when you are not doing well.  Help them understand you just need them to be a listening post or sounding board for you.
  5. Search on the web for people who have experienced similar trauma and have seemingly come out on the other side. Listen to their stories, see what they did that helped, and if you could implement one of their skills.

As you begin finding the right coping mechanisms for yourself, it’s important to keep in mind that these should be healthy strategies.

 While, Unhealthy coping strategies are easy to utilize, but that doesn’t mean they should be.

Unhealthy Coping Strategies for Trauma

  • Overeating – This is a very common coping method but is an unhealthy strategy. Using food to cope can cause an unhealthy relationship with food, as well as weight issues.
  • Using Drugs or Drinking Alcohol – Another very common strategy, this can have detrimental consequences. If drinking alcohol or using drugs gets out of control, you may need to seek addiction treatment.
  • Oversleeping – While getting enough sleep is vital to your health, too much sleep can be a problem. If you’re using sleep to avoid your problems, this is the sign of an unhealthy coping mechanism.
  • Overspending – Retail therapy is not therapy at all. This can be another way of avoiding your problems and ends up causing more trouble. Spending more than you should can add another stressor and make existing problems worse.
  • Avoidance – Arguably the most common unhealthy coping strategy, most people feel if they just avoid the problem altogether it will somehow be resolved. Utilizing healthy coping strategies will help you recognize and understand your trauma much faster and with positive, lasting results.

Why do we use unhealthy coping mechanisms?

Survivors often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms because they are easy. Substances like drugs and alcohol are easily available to them and can be a distraction from coping with a traumatic event. By using unhealthy coping mechanisms, you are only temporarily redirecting your pain and distracting yourself from the truth. It is hard to face the truth of a traumatic event. Many people are unable to face traumatic events themselves, so they use unhealthy methods to keep themselves distracted.


Coping After a Traumatic Event: When to Seek Help


If your functioning seems to be decreasing and you have bouts or outbursts of extreme anger, you may want to reach out for help. When triggers cause you to re-experience the trauma or if you start to have nightmares about the trauma, you again may want to reach out for help.  If your mood, sleep, appetite, relationships, school, or job performance seems to be slipping, it would be wise to reach out to a professional for help through trauma therapy.  If you feel any thoughts of suicide or a desire to hurt someone else, immediately seek help. Just remember, Every person and every trauma is unique.

At Neuro Harmony, we understand this and do not take a one-size-fits-all approach with our trauma therapy program. Our reputable trauma and PTSD treatment center consists of highly trained therapists and clinicians that have experience in helping people cope and recover from various forms of trauma. 

For any questions you may have, please give us a call and we’d be happy to help.

How long does it take to recover from emotional trauma?


There is no set recovery time when it comes to dealing with and coping with emotional trauma. Without help, emotional trauma may never be fully resolved. However, if you receive assistance from Neuro Harmony, our therapists can work with you to understand and resolve your emotional trauma. While this is no short journey to embark upon, our therapists are ready to be your support through your process.

A Positive weekend affirmation

Aug 27, 2022

Life is a struggle... read this on the extremely difficult days. Give yourself a little Grace...



I've got a secret....

Aug 24, 2022


Thinking of ending it all? Please read!!!!

Aug 21, 2022

Suicide is a permanent thing. Life is hard, and it is at times seemingly too much to handle. We would like to remind you that YOU have purpose. YOU have value. YOUR feelings are valid, and we want to make sure you know that suicide is NOT the answer. Reach out! Get help. You are worth it!!!!

Help is available 24/7. Call or text the National Suicide hotline 988.


Neuro Harmony is here to help you get through the tough times or regular life stressors as well! Call us today! 217.50.8080 to schedule an appointment!

NH's Instagram Feed

Neuro Harmony Facebook Page

Illinois EMDR


When does Loneliness become isolation?

Aug 7, 2022




Hard questions often times don't have easy answers. Today's topic fits that mold.

We will discuss how or when loneliness becomes isolation. Let’s start with defining these words. (From Merriam-Webster)

 Loneliness ~ (Noun):

  1. Being without company (lone)
  2. Cut off from others (solitary)
  3. Not visited by other human beings (desolate)
  4. Sad from being alone (Lonesome)

Isolation ~ (Verb) is defined as:

  1. To set apart from others (Quarantine)
  2. To select from among others (Solitary)

Some people use the words “isolation” and “loneliness” interchangeably, but this does not reflect the true meaning of each term. Isolation may lead to loneliness, and in some cases, loneliness may exacerbate isolation. Both have been found to occur with other mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.

Knowing how loneliness and isolation are distinct and related can help people who struggle with them best address and work through these issues. Here are a few things to know about handling loneliness and social isolation in your life.

 Isolation specifically may be characterized by:

  • Staying home most or all of the time
  • Refusing interpersonal interaction
  • Avoiding social situations

But is loneliness really increasing, or is it a condition that humans have always experienced at various times of life? In other words, are we becoming lonelier or just more inclined to recognize and talk about the problem? Talking is good and takes a lot of courage to do sometimes.



Sometimes loneliness and/or isolation present as primary symptoms of a mental health issue.

For example, if someone suddenly begins to pull away from friends and family, this could indicate that a number of potential issues. They could have depression or an eating disorder, or they may be affected by an abusive relationship. Isolation may be a first sign of many mental health issues, so identifying the unique context of each situation is key in order to understand it.

Loneliness and isolation can be symptoms of the following mental health issues, among others:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
  • Bipolar
  • Borderline personality


Just as with any other issue, some people may be more susceptible to isolation and loneliness than others, although anyone can become isolated or feel lonely. People who have recently had traumatic life changes, who live in tumultuous home environments, or who have witnessed, or experienced domestic violence or abuse may be more prone to both loneliness and isolation.

For example, a person who’s recently been divorced and has moved to a new neighborhood may feel the absence of their former partner and community, causing them to be lonely. Additionally, an elderly person whose spouse has died may be isolated in their day-to-day life, which may lead to loneliness and poor health.

People who live in abusive homes may isolate themselves because the shame of their environment makes them think they can’t talk with others about their life. They may also feel intensely lonely if they become worried no one will be able to relate to their life experiences.




If you’re feeling lonely or experience isolation for long periods of time, it may help to reach out to a licensed mental health professional who can offer support as you work through those struggles. Not addressing prolonged loneliness and isolation can negatively impact your physical and mental well-being.

If there is a deeper mental health issue causing your feelings of loneliness or isolation, a therapist can help treat that issue and put you on the path to your best self.

 Remember that you are not alone and there is never shame in asking for help. Reach out! Call 217.508.8080, We would love to help improve your life today.

Illinois EMDR (New website coming soon!)

Addictions? Yeah, we are going to go there....

Aug 1, 2022



What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear this word?

Drugs? Alcohol?

Those are easily the first two most think of when asked about what addiction is. While those answers are spot on, they just touch the surface to a topic that is almost as deep as the oceans are wet.

It’s a nasty word, Addiction. If we are being honest, we all have at least one, if not many. Most aren’t even something we think about on a regular basis, and many of us don’t even realize we have an addiction at all.

To start, let’s look at how the word is defined:

From Merriam-Webster:

  1. a compulsive, chronic, physiological, or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behaviors, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence: the state of being addicted.
  2. a strong inclination to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly.

Similar words that can be used are, but not limited to:  Dependency, craving, habit, weakness, compulsion, fixation, and enslavement.

(Note: This is the first of what will be a multipart blog about addiction. In the future entries, I will link back to the previous ones, so they are easier to reference.)

Today, I am focusing primarily on behavioral addiction.

The term "behavioral addiction" refers to a compulsion to engage in an activity that leads to reward, that is, something that desirable or appealing. Often, the reward comes with some sort of adverse consequence. We want to feel good. We look for things that bring us a quick "high" or utopian feeling. Most of these things don’t last for a long period of time, so we go back and do them over and over as we are looking to duplicate the feel-good moment, we had previously experienced.

Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to illicit drugs, alcohol, food, sexual activities, and gambling.

So, this then poses a question of: Are behavioral addictions serious?

Simple answer: Yes!

According to the US National Library of Medicine, behavioral addictions, “resemble substance abuse addictions,” in reference to the impact on the brain and their response to treatment. Individuals often struggle to resist urges or temptations to reduce or stop behaviors that may be addictive to them, elicit arousal before completing them, and bring pleasure while doing them. Areas of concern can include the feelings of guilt or embarrassment after completing the activity. This is similar in individuals abusing harmful chemicals. Individuals abusing substances have extreme difficulty resisting the urge or temptation to use the drug and may feel pleasure from using the drug. Consequently, he or she may feel shame after completing the activity and may lie about it or hide it. This not only has negative effects on the individual involved in the addiction, but those they are around, love and care about as well.

Signs of behavioral addictions can be different for everyone, but often look the same. These occur when someone needs a large amount or constant exposure to the stimuli and pursue it.

Those with a behavioral addiction will constantly seek the thrill or rush of endorphins by frequent and increased activity. Secondly, behavioral addictions become serious if the individual cannot control or stop the activity. Signs of behavioral addiction include, but are not limited to:

  1. Experiencing "cravings" for doing the activity.
  2. Needing more and more exposure to experience the highs one feels while doing the activity.
  3. Doing more risky activities, taking more risks to seek the thrill.
  4. The inability to stop or control behavior.
  5. Feeling shame or embarrassment from doing these activities.
  6. The inability to stop the behavior, despite knowing the negative impacts on the body and mind.
  7. Using the behavior and justifying it to deal with trauma or poor mental health rather than getting professional help.

Other addictions, such as gambling and or a compulsive shopping addiction can have financial consequences. Something that starts small can put people into bankruptcy due to extreme credit card debt used to fund the addiction.

Phone, internet, and video game addictions often can get in the way of close relationships in the real world. People often become distracted using these things as an "escape" from reality. They can be used to ‘treat’ loneliness, stress or to fill other voids.

Help is available!!! While controlling compulsions can seem impossible, there are several options for recovery. The first step is to acknowledge the challenges behavioral addictions can cause, along with the need for help. This can help one to take control of their life. There is support available after taking the first step toward recovery. If any of these things are something you or a loved one are dealing with, we are here and would love the opportunity to help you on the road to a better life along your journey. Reach out and let’s hit the road to better days! Give us a call at [Please enable JavaScript.] today!

Are you a people pleaser? It could be the result of a past trauma...

Jul 22, 2022

Chances are, at one point or another in your life, you have tried to make another person happy.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it can be a sign of dealing with unresolved trauma. How so? Let me explain.

When we are children and growing up, we have needs. Being protected and provided for are at the forefront. For some of us, though, we grew up in a less than ideal environment. An unsafe, unstable, or abusive environment that gave us stress and suffering. To feel safer, we learned to please those (or at least attempt to) closest to us, our parents, siblings, or other authority figures in our lives. 

Therefore, people-pleasing can be seen as a trauma response, an adaptive coping mechanism that serves a tremendously important reason: to help us deal with situations our well-being or even survival depends on.

The problem? Even now as adults many of us still unconsciously engage in this behavioral pattern, when we don’t really need to. People-pleasing has become our second nature, and, whether we realize it or not, it is negatively affecting our lives.

Before we look at how the negatives of this pattern affect us, let's look at common habits of people pleasers. Here are a few, but there are many, many more:

  • Saying “Yes” at almost all times, even when you want to say no.
  • Constantly apologizing, even when you are not at fault.
  • Suppressing anger, sadness, or other emotions in fear of hurting or upsetting others.
  • Wanting to appear “perfect” in the eyes of others.
  • Avoiding conflict, at almost all costs.
  • Flattering other people, even those they don’t like.
  • Worrying about what other’s think of them, to a fault.
  • Not expressing real and genuine thoughts.
  • Trying to help others, all the time. Even when help is not needed, asked for or wanted.
  • Being afraid of making themselves look like a fool.
  • Feeling hurt when someone criticizes them for something they did or said.
  • Being overly vigilant of other people.
  • Not distancing themselves from abusers.
  • Feeling unworthy of love and respect.
  • Letting other’s direct them how to live their lives.
  • Believing everyone knows better than them.
  • Showing compassion to everyone, except themselves.

It’s safe to say that these are not healthy behaviors for us. They are, bottom-line, detrimental to us and the relationships we have with others. Here are a few negatives these behaviors can have on us:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Physical Illness

People pleasers will do about anything they can to make others happy, often, at the sake of their own happiness. They suppress their own true emotions. They might want to cry in sadness, scream in anger… but they don’t. They put on a “fake smile” and go about life as if there is nothing wrong. Whatever it takes to avoid conflict.

They might want to say “no” and step away from a relationship, but they instead choose to comply and stay with someone who’s abusing them. As a result of this ongoing emotional suppression, people pleasers experience chronic stress, which can lead to fatigue as well as mental and physical illnesses. In addition, because people pleasers are fixated on controlling people and situations, they tend to experience a lot of anxiety, as well as disappointment when things don’t turn out the way they wish.

  • Resentment/Regrets

When we ignore our gut feelings, and do what is better for everyone else, we are betraying ourselves. When we dismiss our own feelings, thoughts, and values, we ultimately reject our true inner peace. When we’re constantly trying to please others, we usually end up finding that they take us for granted, which can make us feel unappreciated. Resentment is often the result.

These things can lead to big problems. You might find that most, if not all, relationships you are in become one sided and quite dysfunctional. While their behavior is not meant to be malicious at all, people pleasers are, for lack of a better term, liars. They don’t lie to hurt others, but to protect themselves from rejection. They are like chameleons, changing their appearance to adapt to their environment, so that no one gets to know their true colors; at least, in the beginning of a relationship. This often results in communication problems, and once the truth comes out, it can lead to serious interpersonal conflict. Another reason why people pleasers end up finding themselves in messed up relationships is that, due to their lack of assertiveness and weak interpersonal boundaries, they tend to attract narcissists and bullies into their lives. But because of the manipulative tactics of the latter, they might still feel accepted, loved, and wanted, which is often what keeps them stuck in toxic relationships.

People pleasers often experience a lack of freedom, joy, meaning or purpose. For the most part, they are living in a way that prevents them from being authentic. They find it extremely hard to let go, enjoy themselves, pursue their dreams, or just speak out their mind and heart, for they are constantly concerned about what others think of them. As a result, they feel that their lives lack joy, freedom, meaning and purpose. Because of that, they tend to experience a sense of emptiness within, which they often mistakenly try to fill by pleasing others instead of taking care of their own needs.

So, now that we might have a slight understanding of people pleasing tendencies, how do we attempt to stop them and change our thought patterns?

Become conscious of your thoughts and behaviors.

We all want to make others happy. The key here, though, is why are we doing it?

Don’t blame yourself for wanting to be liked, needed, or accepted.

These are all basic human desires. Just be aware of what you are sacrificing to achieve them.

Always listen to your gut feeling.

Our intuition is usually accurate and is designed to keep us safe. Take time to understand what you are really wanting/feeling. Spend time with thoughts and feelings and then communicate them with others.

Respond, don’t react.

People pleasers often react out of habit, saying and doing things they don’t really want to. To break that habit, you need to learn to pause, reflect on your needs, and respond according to each situation. For example, if someone asks you to do them a favor, take a few moments to consider whether you want to or not, instead of immediately saying “yes” out of habit.

Practice honesty.

Seems easy enough, right? Remember, you are lying to everyone, including yourself when you are constantly people pleasing. Hence, our relationships remain fake and skin-deep. So, I will ask you: Do you want people to like you for being someone you are not? Wouldn’t it be better if you could connect with people who like and accept you as you are? By realizing the importance of honesty in forming genuine, intimate relationships, you’ll start opening up more to others, and see your relationships becoming much more satisfying.


This will look different for each of us. Know what you need to be reasonably happy, and don’t allow other people to cross your boundaries.

Dealing with loss

Jul 18, 2022

Hello and Welcome to Neuro Harmony’s Blog!! We are glad you are here and looking for assistance. Stepping out to find help takes a lot of courage!

Beginning today, the hope is that this page will be updated weekly, if not a couple times each week going forward. The blog will contain stories, thoughts, self-improvement ideas and coping mechanisms.

We will discuss a wide variety of mental health topics. Feedback is always welcome! Good, bad, or indifferent. We cannot improve if we don’t take time to consider all points of views. What topics would you like for us to address here? Let us know!

Diving in…

Grief and Loss

At some point in life, we all experience a loss. None of us are immune to this. A loved one, a pregnancy, a pet, a relationship, an object that meant something to us on a psychological level…. Other experiences of loss may be due to children leaving home, infertility and separation from friends and family. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief is likely to be.

Grief is expressed in many ways, and it can affect every part of your life, your emotions, thoughts and actions, beliefs, physical health, your sense of self and identity, and your relationships with others. Grief can leave you feeling sad, angry, anxious, shocked, regretful, relieved, overwhelmed, isolated, irritable, or numb.

We all are human, but none of us experience things the same. The thing about grief, is that there is NO time frame for healing. Putting ourselves in a box and going by “standards” set by others, is not only a bad idea, but never works and ultimately can bring more trauma as we feel something is wrong with us for still feeling bad or down. What one person may be able to work through in a few days, week or months can take other’s years or a lifetime. Some never fully get past the loss, but can cope with it, with help from a support system in their life.

Getting through loss

This is a process that will take time and effort. Some days will be harder than others to deal with. Don’t define the success of a day based on past good days. Some days, getting out of bed is a victory. While we all find our own ways to grieve, it is important to not go it alone. Having a good support system, or at least one person whom you can talk to is paramount.

Things you can do to help yourself

Ask for help!!! Most other people don’t realize you need assistance. There is no shame in reaching out for help, and this is a very courageous thing to do!

Talk with loved ones about your feelings.

Join a support group.

Don’t neglect your physical needs. Exercise, get plenty of sleep, eat well, stay hydrated. Grieving is exhausting.

Manage stress. Ask a friend or colleague for assistance with chores and or commitments.

Do things you enjoy, even if you are not feeling like it. You will be glad you did.

How to help others

Ask how they are doing. Each day can be different for someone grieving. Take time to listen and try to understand what they are going through. Most of the time, they do not need advice, but just someone to listen and be there.

Talk about everyday life, too. Their loss doesn’t need to be the only focus. Help bring back some happier thoughts into the conversation.

Ask them how else you might be able to help. Cooking them a meal or two, taking them shopping, going for a walk with them. Just a few simple ideas.

Encourage them to seek professional help if they don’t seem to improve over time.

Thank you for taking a moment to read today!

If you or anyone you know is struggling with loss and feeling suicidal, call or text the National Suicide helpline at 988.

2020 Commercial

May 11, 2020

Holiday Fun with Sophie!

Dec 17, 2018

IMG_9219.jpgSophie doesn't always love getting dressed up, but she usually loves getting her picture taken. She loves coming to work no matter whether she is dressed in holiday colors or not!

Everyday Brain Fitness Tips

Oct 1, 2018

  1. Eat chocolate - Dark chocolate, that is. While overindulging may not be the best for your waistline, adding a little dark chocolate to your diet does have its health benefits. Dark chocolate causes your brain to release dopamine, a chemical that improves overall brain function and improves your memory.
  2. Eat fish - While this one may not excite you as much as the previous “eat chocolate” recommendation, studies suggest that a diet rich in fish – especially fatty fish like salmon - can improve brain function.
  3. Exercise your peripheral vision - Yes, eyes can learn. Scientists have found that acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system, is crucial to focus and memory. By practicing peripheral vision exercises, you can reinvigorate the release of acetylcholine in your brain and improve your memory function.

    To practice, try this exercise the next time you’re sitting some place outside of your house, such as a restaurant, a bench at the mall, or the local park. With a pen and paper handy, stare straight ahead for several seconds and don’t move your eyes. Mentally note everything you can see without moving your eyes. When you believe you’ve taken note of everything, take out your pen and paper and write down everything you saw. Then, try the exercise again and see if you can add to your list.
  4. Play ball - Remember how much you loved to play ball as a kid? Well, you might want to take it up again. Throwing a ball up in the air and catching it, or better yet, trying your hand at juggling, can improve your hand-eye coordination and carries widespread brain health benefits.
  5. Exercise - Surely you’ve heard of the health benefits of exercise…but did you know there are health benefits for your brain too? Exercise brings with it benefits for the hippocampus, an important brain structure for learning and memory function. Exercise can even help your brain create new cells…so get that body moving!
  6. Rest up - Getting a good night’s sleep is critical to brain function. Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep have more trouble learning new information than those who are well rested. Moreover, sleeping well after learning something new helps your brain store that information and recall it at a later date. So for your long-term memory’s sake, catch your Z’s every night.
  7. Turn down the volume - As we age, our hearing ages with us, causing us to sometimes struggle to hear conversations. But you can train your ears to become sharper. The next time you’re watching TV, try turning it down a little from the volume at which you normally have it set. Concentrate and see if you can follow just as well as you did at the louder volume. Keep turning it down notch by notch, listening closely to hear the increasingly softer tones. By training your ears to listen more intently to lower volumes, you’ll find it easier to catch every word of day to day conversations.
  8. Do a jigsaw puzzle - While they may seem mundane, jigsaw puzzles are actually great for your brain. Choose one that is on the difficult side – at least 500 pieces. Then, on a rainy afternoon or whenever the mood strikes, set out to conquer your puzzle. Jigsaw puzzles require fine visual judgments about where pieces belong and entail mentally “rotating” the pieces, manipulating them in your hands, and shifting your attention from the small piece to the “big picture.” Besides, it’s rewarding to see your puzzle become a whole work of art. Congratulate yourself on a job well done!
  9. Make your hobbies harder - Do you already have a favorite pastime? From cooking to crossword puzzles, there are always things you can do to challenge yourself, pushing you outside your “comfort zone” by taking on something a bit more difficult than you’re used to. By putting higher demands on your brain, you will have to concentrate harder and put more effort into the activity at hand, re-engaging your brain’s learning ability.
  10. Walk on a rocky road - Before you ask, “Huh?” let us explain. Scientists believe that walking on uneven surfaces like cobblestones improves the vestibular system of the inner ear, which plays a central role in balance and equilibrium. Walking on a rocky road challenges the vestibular system in ways that improve its function, which translates into better balance.
  11. Visit a museum - Enjoy art? Natural history, perhaps? Take a guided tour of a museum or other interesting spot in your area. Pay careful attention to what the museum guide says and when you get home, try to recall what you learned and write down everything you remember. Besides getting some cultural enrichment, this activity engages your brain’s ability to receive and remember information, helping to improve cognitive function.
  12. Learn to play guitar - Or any instrument for that matter. And if learning to play an instrument has been on your to-do list for some time, some proven brain fitness benefits give you all the more reason to pick it up. Playing an instrument helps you exercise many interrelated dimensions of brain function, including listening, control of refined movements, and translation of written notes (sight) to music (movement and sound). So dust off that harmonica (or piano, flute, banjo, etc) and make some music.
  13. Use your other hand - Whether you’re right-handed or left-handed, you probably find yourself doing day to day activities such as eating and combing your hair with your dominant hand. But try mixing it up a bit. Brushing your teeth is a good place to start. Try brushing your teeth with your subordinate hand (so your left if you’re right-handed) and keep practicing until you master it. While you may find it difficult at first, practicing an activity such as this can drive your brain to make positive changes. Think of millions of neurons learning new tricks as you finally establish better control of that other hand!
  14. Memorize a song - Think of a song you like but one that you don’t know the words to. Make it a point to buy the CD/MP3/etc if you don’t already have it and listen to it as many times as it takes to write down all the lyrics. Then sing along - (if you’ve got stage fright, feel free to do this part when no one’s around). Once you’re able to sing the song word for word without the recording playing in the background, move on to the next song!

    Hopefully you find this brain exercise fun, but there is also some science behind it. By carefully listening to the song, your brain releases acetylcholine, a chemical that aids in understanding, thinking, and memory function. So whether it’s in the shower or at karaoke night, go ahead and sing your heart out. Your brain will thank you.

Adapted in part or in whole from the Hartford Insurance Company on Brain Fitness.