Neuro Notes
Welcome, November!
Nov 1, 2022
While it is important that we show others love and support all year, we typically show a little extra in the final 2 months of the year.
Let's kick off November with a BANG!
Show a little extra kindness today!
Hold the door open for someone.
Take the shopping cart back to the store.
Pick up trash off the ground and place it in a proper disposal area.
Help someone who is struggling (whatever that looks like, as it takes on many different forms).
Pay it forward. Has someone done something extra for you as an act of kindness, and you can't pay them back? Simply pay it forward... step up and do something good for someone else in need.
If you SEE something, DO something. Don't be the bystander that allows an injustice to occur if you could have prevented it.
This is also....
Hunger Awareness Month
Even in the wealthiest communities, there are people who need help with access to healthy food. You have an opportunity to publicly give products, raise funds, or promote the work of your local food pantry. Even an hour of your time can make an impact!
November is National Gratitude Month
Celebrating the month can be done in several ways.
- Start a gratitude journal. Write about someone or something you’re thankful for every day. You’ll find your appreciation for those around you grows deeper and fonder the longer you keep it. When you read back on what you’ve written, you’ll be able to reflect on the relationships and their accomplishments.
- Share your gratitude with others. Letting someone know you’re grateful for their care, service, or friendship often lifts their spirits or lifts a burden.
- Show your appreciation by giving back to your community, neighborhood, or favorite organization.
Use #NationalGratitudeMonth to post on social media.
Much Love.
Chuck and The Neuro Harmony Team
Journey on my friends....