Neuro Harmony, LLC
Licensed Clinical Counseling in Charleston, IL

Neuro Harmony has job openings for Clinical Therapists. This can be telehealth /andor face to face  as needed. Please send us email!    View

Neuro Notes

How to Cope with Mental Illness

Feb 14, 2023

Mental Illness isn’t as taboo to talk about since the pandemic started and that’s definitely a step forward in the right direction. However, mental illness is still a huge part of peoples life and it’s a very hard journey to navigate– especially when the topic is still something many people don’t understand.

I have been living with my specific mental illnesses for several years now and they have been filled with never ending learning lessons along with some good and very bad times. Like all things in life, the experience of living with mental illness in an already crazy world has allowed me to become more educated and knowledgeable about mental illness. I’m no expert and have a lot more to learn, I’m sure. But I wanted to share my personal opinion on what I‘d consider being some of the most important things to know about mental illness (especially if you are new to this journey).

If you are struggling and see no end in sight, you might consider seeing your Primary Care Physician so that you can be referred to a Psychiatrist.They can get you medication to help live with the disease of the mind. You also should consider getting counseling. Neuro Harmony is accepting new clients,currently! Call today to get a session with one of highly trained certified mental health therapists. Call Today!! 217.508.8080

Please  share  your tips and advice for living with mental illness. Is there some things you wish you knew when you were first diagnosed? Let us know. You never know who it’ll help and we’re all in this together!


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